Thursday, March 31, 2011

Just another week

After Louie left the beautiful city of London there hasn't been much going on other than school work(weird, I know) and hanging out.  It was a week where we had some reading and stuff to do along with some other tedious tasks such as grocery shopping.  There have been a couple positives to this week however.  I found a new way to run to the gym, which was very exciting for me! Also, I booked a trip to Paris for the weekend, which is the real reason I am writing this blog.  It is kind of weird to be able to say that it was kind of an impulse decision for a couple of us in our flat to decide to go to Paris.  I mean, that is another country, but over here it is really easy to go from on country to another and fairly cheap to stay in that other country (you just have to be willing to not have every luxury you would in the states).  So, Friday night, 3 of us take off and head on a coach down to Dover and the white cliffs of England.  We drive that coach right onto a ferry that we can walk around on and hang out and head across the Channel to France.   When we arrive in France, we proceed to drive our coach off the ferry and continue our journey to Paris.  In total, it is about a 7 hour journey and we booked it overnight.  So, me being the limber, flexible, ready to sleep anywhere kind of person I am, should get about 25 minutes of sleep for the night!  Anyways, I thought I would tell you a little bit about what I will be doing this weekend and how easy it is to travel from place to place.



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