Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A weekend with Louie

Well, this weekend I spent playing touring guide again.  Louie, my cousin who is studying in Barcelona, came up to the beautiful city of London for the weekend.  He arrived here late on Friday night and was here until Monday night.
 On Friday we headed out to a local pub to grab a couple pints but it was already late so we headed home and went to bed.
 Saturday rolled around and he woke up and headed over to Westminster where I could show him Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the London eye.  However, it was not this easy.  When we tried to get off at the Westminster station, it was closed.  We did not know why but it we soon found out.  We found our way to the next stop and walked there.  There were an estimated 250,000 protesters in the city of London on Saturday.  They weren't all near Parliament, but there were thousands of people there.  We got distracted watching these protests and spent about an hour walking around looking at all the creative people.  After a while we made our way through the crowds and eventually through the parade of protests and walked over the River Thames to see the London eye and the south side of the river.  We made our way to Waterloo underground and headed to Piccadilly Circus and showed him that area.  From here we headed over to Leicester Square which is about a 5 minute walk and then continued our walk to Covent Gardens which is another 10 minute walk.  We walked around these areas and then heard about the Oxford Cambridge Rowing race that is held annually.  We tried to catch the end of that game, but we did not make it in time.  I thought that the race would take a long time but it apparently doesn't last long.  So, we ended up missing that, which would have been a lot of fun. Saturday night we headed over to our favorite spot to grab some pub food, Gloucester Arms.  It is about a mile from our flat but has the best food that we have found.  We had some pints before dinner and then had some great good.  We came home after a long and tiresome day.
Sunday came around and we headed to Chipotle for Louie.  It is the only Chipotle in Europe and he really wanted it so we went there and then found our way up to Camden.  Louie had never seen anything like this market and he loved the atmosphere and the huge variety of stores and markets.  We spent a long time here in Camden and then we took the tube back to Green Park where we walked through the park and saw Buckingham Palace.  We headed home after this and stopped to get some food for a home cooked meal.  Sunday night we took it easy and headed to bed.
Monday morning we woke up early for class but we were not going to class.  Instead of class, we headed to the Imperial War Museum which I had already been too, but Louie really enjoyed it.  We spent like 2 hours here before we had to go to our other class.   Louie got to relax for awhile until we came home and then we headed over to Tower Bridge where we saw Tower of London and walked up and down the banks of the river.  We were kind of close of time and we hustled back to our flat so Louie could grab his stuff and head off to where Easy Bus picks him up and brings him to the airport.  So, we brought him there and then headed back after saying bye.

It was a great time showing Flash Lash around and a fun weekend overall.



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