Thursday, January 6, 2011

First Day in London

Well, we made it, and for the most part are still living.  It has been a LONG LONG journey to get here.  So, going back to the airport we were all very excited to go, but it was hard to say goodbye to all of our families.  

As we took our seats on the plane, we were greeted by a very nice flight attendant that serviced us all plane ride.  I being very attentive watched the plane path that it took.  We started going out east north east and flew directly over Siren, Wisconsin.  As we continued to go, we flew north or Michigan and than up and over Quebec until we reached the ocean were I turned my flight simulator off.  The green line below shows our path over the United States.

As mentioned before, we got serviced all flight and we had to enjoy our last drink before landing in the foreign  
land.  After our meal I attemped to fall asleep but the nerves of being in a land across the pond kept me awake for almost the entire plane ride.

  After this we finally landed in the place they call London.  We had a long wait to get off the plane and once we did, we had another long time period of customs.  After this we went to baggage claim where and passed through more customs and were finally greeted by Scott(our director) and Brit, a middle aged lady who gave us a tour from London Heathrow to our South Kensington new home.  Brit had a sharp accent and along with the jet leg, it meant for long 40 min bus ride to the Central part of the London.  Once we got here, we went straight to Metrogate, the place were we receive our mail and call for emergencies etc.  It is kind of the head quarters.  We than got dropped off by the coach, not to be mistaken for a bus, to our new home.  It is a very nice flat that was converted to student housing.  Paul, our bus driver dropped us off on the small cross street and dropped our luggage on the side of the road and took off.  So, we were left to our new homes with all our luggage.  Much to our surprise, our flat is 63 stairs straight up.  Oh ya, and there is no elevator, or lifts as they call them here.  So, lugging a suitcase, backpack, small bag and on little to no sleep in the last 24 hours, up we went.  We had enough time to drop our suitcases off before we returned to our FIE foundation house. This is where we have class and what not.  This is about 6-8 blocks from our house and Metrogate, is about the same in a different direction.  We got a tour and and walked all about the town seeing some important places, however everyone was so "blooody" tired that we couldn't comprehend anything.  After our tour, we finally stopped to get some food, a really cheap sandwich shop that was very good.  On our way home, we stopped at Tesco, to get some groceries because we have nothing to eat for the next couple of days.  We than had some down time, maybe a half hour or so, and off to another meeting we went.  Now, we are done for the night and throughly exhausted.  Below are some pictures of the flat we live in .  It is doable, everything is built up, not out, so we overlook main roads, which is cool.  Pictures didn't turn our of the street but more blogging and updates will be posted.

Time to relax and get some rest, it has been way to long since we have laid down.



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