Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday, January 15

             Last night, it was my flat mates 21st birthday.  It is not a big deal in Europe because most kids have been drinking from age 13 or 14.  Anyways, we went to a pub around on the corner and with a bunch of people from our group, probably 20 of us went out.  At the bar, while waiting for a pint, I started talking with the man next to me.  About an hour later, I found myself walking away from a great conversation with RRRRoobbie and Tanya (roll the R and pronounce the second a in Tanya louder than the other).  They were from Livapoul (Liverpool) and they had the strongest accent I have heard since I have been here.  I talked for a long while with RRRRobbie and we discussed all sorts of things ranging from American sports to occupation and football.  He loooved his Livapul football team.  He had a tattoo of the team's logo on his forearm and he has had season tickets for a long time.  He was so friendly and he was telling me how much better Livapul was than London.  Cheaper pints, better places to see, friendly people. After a long while of talking and me being completely away from our group, we said our goodbyes and went or separate ways, but he was the most friendly man I have talked to at the pub!
          We woke up today and went to work out early and than went to the grocery store before we came home to make vegetable stir fry, which was our first source of vegetables that we have had since being here.  After that we cleaned up and than took the circle line west to High Street Kensington where we shopped for a little bit, but did not end up getting anything.  I have a very warm jacket but sometimes it can be to warm here.  The weather here is always wet, and muggy that varies from very muggy to not that much.  So, if it is very muggy, and I have a warm jacket on, it gets a little hot.  On top of that, I can sweat with the best of them, so the moral of the story is I was looking for a vest, enough to keep me warm, but breathable to keep me from sweating on those muggy days.  After that we came home and went to the Gourmet Kitchen Burger restaurant, which is about 50 yards from our flat.  It was pretty good, but the burgers in England don't compare to the burgers back home.  Tonight, we are going to Imperial College, they have student discounts and it will be our first time in the college.



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